Electronic document management needs to work around the user

In the past, whenever a business purchased software, all it had to do was input the disk into the system and install its components. From there, users were limited to the program's interface to complete daily tasks. That worked when information technology was considered "relatively scarce, cumbersome, and often extraordinarily expensive," Harvard Business Review contributor Aaron Levie writes. 

However, IT is no longer viewed this way—it now needs to be customized to tailor the employees' needs.

"Vendors that don't support the multi-platform world we live in with a user-centric mindset will be locked out," Levie added. "Software that isn't used gets shut off."

Some business owners may be all too familiar with the one-size-fits-all platform, but they no longer have to feel limited to a broad interface. Industry-leading electronic document management systems now offer the option to utilize a private cloud. This shift enables companies to work in remote locations without sharing the bandwidth with other organizations.

This added flexibility is what Levie is talking about. With tablets, laptops and smartphones facilitating the completion of work-related tasks, a cloud platform that allows this type of accessibility is at a great advantage over programs that do not.

Employees are accustomed to accessing data through these devices in their personal lives, and they expect electronic systems at their workplace to be just as functional. 

Organizations that wish to utilize a system that allows operations from a private and accessible network should consider reaching out to OptiDoc to serve as your document management provider. 


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