Document Scanning

Distributed Document Capture

Remote scanning is a snap with OptiDoc Distributed Document Capture. This advanced capability lets you easily deploy distributed document scanning and indexing at remote locations using the Internet or your corporate intranet. Remote document capture eliminates the need to ship paper documents to a central site for scanning and processing.


  • Eliminate shipping costs of documents to your corporate office
  • Prevent lost documents between sites
  • Decrease scanning requirements at central site
  • Reduce labor costs
  • Improve customer service
  • Use of low-cost scanners

Scan Remotely, Index Centrally

For example, when using this method, remote offices scan invoices they receive. The accounts payable representatives at the corporate location enter invoice data into your business application. That data is submitted automatically into OptiDoc to index the AP invoice. Then next invoice is displayed and the process is repeated.

Scan and Index Remotely

With this method, an operator in each office is able to key AP data into your business application from image or paper. The same process as described above is repeated and the documents are sent to the OptiDoc Content Server and are automatically saved and/or routed to the appropriate person for approval, if necessary.